Boosted Long/Short or "Free Leverage"

How to go long or short - and farm at the same time!

Boosted Long: Free Leverage / Hedge

If you want to go long ETH to USDC, you need to open a Credit Account denominated in a stable coin.

  • Go to the PURE margin trading:;

  • Select ETH long and configure all the parameters;

  • Click on the Boosted Trade box to turn your long into a farming long;

  • You now have an ETH long that is paying you rewards rate (possibly) in higher numbers than the borrow rate on that USDC that you have to pay. It's a boosted leveraged trade!

Depending on the interest rates in Gearbox Protocol and interest rates in Yearn or another protocol, you can actually get a self-repaying long or even a net-paying long.

Boosted Short: Free Leverage / Hedge

If you want to go short ETH to USD, you need to open a Credit Account denominated in ETH.

  • Go to the PURE margin trading:;

  • Select ETH short and configure all the parameters;

  • Click on the Boosted Trade box to turn your short into a farming short;

  • You now have an ETH short that is paying you rewards rate (possibly) in higher numbers than the borrow rate on that ETH that you have to pay. It's a boosted leveraged trade!

Last updated